Contact Us


3260 Gorham Ave, Ste 400
St Louis Park, MN 55426

Live chat

9am to 5pm (US Central Time, UTC-6), excluding major US holidays.


Dimensional Weight

The concept of dimensional weight can be very foreign at first, but we have a simple guide explaining the idea making it more easy to comprehend

Prohibited & Restricted Items

When it comes to the types of items we can’t ship, we have broken the types into two categories: Prohibited Items and Restricted Items.

Frequently Asked Questions

Head over to our FAQ page to know about shipping, packaging, account management, payments and fee, and more

Referral & Affiliate Program

Refer others to Vyking Ship and earn big discounts on consolidation and package forwarding services.

Consolidation Service

For those of you who are not familiar with Vyking Ship’s consolidation service, let us explain how it works

Shipping Methods

We offer both postal and courier services but whats the difference? We explain this and also how you can use them to you advantage when forwarding parcels

Open Hours

9am - 5pm US Central Time, UTC-6
Monday to Friday
excluding major US holidays

Our Office

3260 Gorham Ave, STE 400
St Louis Park, MN 55426