Our Pricing
All Services Include & Consider

Free receiving
Vyking Ship doesn’t charge a dime for incoming packages and mail. So send across your stuff as you want

free storage days
Vyking Ship gives 180 days of free storage! That’s 6 months of free space to collect your shopping items

free Photo at arrival
Each time a new package is entered into your account, we will take a photo of the exterior of the package and its shipping label

Free Package Returns
Vyking Ship processes returns for free. This means if you provide us with a prepaid return label we will do the necessary

Removal of Invoices & Price Tags
Upon request, we will remove all of the price tags and invoices from a single package or from all packages in a single consolidation for one low price.
$1.50 – $3.00 USD

Take Photos of Incoming Package Contents
With this option activated, whenever we receive and enter a package into your account, we will open the package and photograph the invoice and all of the items inside. This is a great way for you to find out if your entire order was received or if a mistake was made before you ship the package.
This option may be turned on or off at any time. When this option is turned on, it will affect all incoming packages except for lettered mail items and magazines; turning this on will have no affect on packages that are already in your account. For each package that is photographed in this manner, you will be charged a $1.25 processing fee.
$1.25 USD

Customized Instructions
You may ask us to do anything that we do not have an option for.
Just type your instructions (400 character or less) into the provided field and we will follow your instructions
If your instructions are impossible, illegal, or dangerous, we will cancel your request and inform you why we did so.
This option has a $3.50 minimum fee that could increase due to the complexity of the request. If so, we will contact you first before proceeding, explaining what it will cost and why it would cost the new amount.
$3.50 USD minimum

We will open your package and then safely repack the contents into the smallest box that will provide sufficient protection.
Reducing the dimensional weight of the package is incredibly effective in lowering postage costs especially when the contents are not heavy.
Reducing the dimensions of the shipping box may allow your package to be shipped by a less expensive shipping method
Best of all, there is little to no risk to you. If you ask us to repack a package and we determine that it is impossible to make it small enough to save you any money, you will not be charged.
$2.50 USD

Complete Customs Declaration (and check accuracy of order if possible)
When this option has been selected, our employees will not only open your package and complete the needed Customs Declaration to the best of their ability given the information contained within, but they will also check the contents of the package against any included Packing Slip or Invoice. Ensuring that you did in fact receive the correct items. During this process our employees will also report any obvious signs of damage they noticed while checking your items.
$3.00 USD

3 Photos of Package Contents
Upon request, we will take 3 additional photos of all the contents in your package for a nominal fee.
$2.00 USD

Package Consolidation
We offer ALL of our customers the option to have their packages opened and all of the contents safely packed into a new box.
Package consolidation will save you money on postage because you will be able to avoid the fixed-base postage fees that you would have paid on each package if shipped individually.
Our package consolidation process is a TRUE consolidation process; we do not simply ship all of your packages in a batch order. We will open your packages and repack them safely into the smallest box we can.
$1.50 USD per package

Expedited Processing
If you use our expedited package forwarding services, we guarantee that we will begin processing your request within two business hours of you placing the request.
If we require further clarification as to some aspect of your accompanying processing, we will pause the timer until we receive clarification.
$4.50 USD

Security Tape
When you select our Security Tape option, we will place security tape on the outside of your package making it impossible to open without disturbing the tape. The tape will help deter unauthorized individuals from opening your package and removing items but will not prevent Customs Agents or other authorized persons from opening your package. Our Security Tape option is only meant as a deterrent for thieves.
$1.50 USD

Complete Customs Declaration of Incoming Packages
With this option activated, whenever we receive and enter a package into your account, we will open the package, check the contents against any enclosed packing slip or invoice, and then we will complete the Customs Declaration for that package as best we can. The descriptions, values, and quantities that we enter may be edited and changed at any time before the package is shipped.
This option may be turned on or off at any time. When this option is turned on, it will affect all incoming packages except for lettered mail items and magazines; turning this on will have no affect on packages already in your account. For each package that is checked and processed in this manner, you will be charged a $2.00 processing fee.
$2.00 USD

Any account that we receive a charge-back from will be investigated immediately and are responsible for the entire original amount along with the charge-back fee.
Price Varies
Specialized Services
EEI Completion
The Electronic Export Information is a document that we must file for international shipments containing contents, from one category (i.e. phones, shoes, makeup, books, sports equipment and toys etc.), valued at $2,500 USD or more (this value may differ per country with some having lower thresholds). If this is the case, we will first recommend that you split the package if possible to avoid this necessary filing.
$30.00 USD
Palleting Fee
If you require your package(s) to be placed upon a pallet – either as part of a consolidation or custom request, this fee will cover the cost of purchasing a pallet and the additional time and supplies required to complete this task.
$40.00 USD
Unpaid Postage
Sometimes sellers purchase an incorrect amount of postage when shipping an item to you. In such cases, the shipping company will seek the difference in postage from us before they deliver the package. Before paying the missing postage and accepting the package, we will attempt to contact you first and determine if you want us to receive the package and charge you the missing postage with your next outbound shipment.
Price Varies
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Open Hours
9am - 5pm US Central Time, UTC-6
Monday to Friday
excluding major US holidays
Our Office
3260 Gorham Ave, STE 400
St Louis Park, MN 55426