Everyone loves online shopping because of the numerous benefits it entails. But what everyone loves even more is how much you can save money on online shopping!

Here are some great tips that have helped us save money and should help you save 20-80% on your online shopping purchases as well.

Save Money on Online Shopping

Its all common knowledge but we like to pen things down in case people don’t know how much you can save while shopping online.

Lets talk about the secrets of saving money. The biggest one is, you can save money by not shopping :) But other than that… below are some well-known secrets!

Online Discounts and Clearance Sites

Some of the fashion sites have discounts from 20 – 80% off retail on clothes shopping and accessories! If you are brand conscious, or your friends & family are, then this can save money by online shopping on these websites.

Keep in mind, here in Minnetonka, where our Vyking Ship warehouse is, there is no sales tax on clothes (excluding accessories), so you should not be charged sales tax on your clothes shopping that is shipped to your Vyking Ship account.

6pm is a great store for everything clothes and you can shop online stress free because they have great discounts on all their items!

Coupon Sites

There are 3 types of coupons, try to figure out which will help you save money the most:

Sign up Coupons

Sign up for a company’s promotional emails and many will email you a coupon. They are usually 5-10% off your next online purchase. Not all companies do this, so you may want to check with the store or Google it first. These coupons are typically not transferable, but you can always register with a new email account when you want another coupon! Not saying this is an ideal way to save money but generally all online shops send over a discount coupon

Online Coupons

Online coupons are the easiest to find. You can Google most of these, just type in the name of the company and the the word “coupon” or “code” and the different meta sites will pop up. Our favorite is RetailMeNot.com. Just go to their site, type in the name of the company, and voila, you have a list of the online coupons available. Many are expired, but often times you will find many that still work.

Physical Coupons

This may sound like a hassle, if not impossible to obtain, at first glance. But many companies offer physical coupons that are typically good in-store or online to many of their best customers. These coupons are typically $X off $XX or 10-20% off your purchase, but some may be for as much as 50-60% off your entire purchase! As we said, these coupons are typically given out to those customers that spend the most money at that retailer, but you can get them too even if you have never shopped there before. If you search eBay for coupons from your favorite seller you will find many of these “preferred customer” coupons are available for sale. Just be sure to check to make sure you can use it Online, that it does not exclude the item(s) you want, and that it has not yet expired. Many eBay sellers will email you the code after you pay for the coupons, but some insist on mailing it; keep that in mind before you buy.

Shop the Sales! holiday sales shopping calendar to save money

Know the holidays. Bookmark our page!

Most merchants that run sales will often have some sort of sale around major holidays and significant US holidays: President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving/Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and Christmas – to mention some of the holidays with the best sales.

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Keep an eye out for promotions and sales during these times to shop online & save money. Be especially mindful of after-Christmas sales. Often times retailers have a lot of extra inventory they stocked up on for Christmas and they want to get rid of them in late December to make their year end numbers look better and in early January to start the year off with some positive earnings.

If you don’t know what Black Friday/Cyber Monday are, be sure to pay heed once November comes around and they start putting out the ads. During these two days (Black Friday = day after US Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday = the following Monday) you will find some of the craziest deals of the entire year and hence, you will save money!

Shop Around

One of the first things we do when we know what we want to buy is a Google shopping search. Then we can see if any sites have it for a lot cheaper than others. This is a quick, easy, but not necessarily the most effective way of finding the best deal – it can be a good start though.

If you are using Google Chrome as your browser, we absolutely recommend using the Chrome extension Honey. This extension will scan for coupons for the site you are shopping on at checkout, and will compare coupons and use the coupons that save money!

The other thing to look for is which sites charge sales taxes. Many merchants do not have a presence in the state of Minnitonk and therefore do not have to charge sales tax to anyone who is shipping their purchase to Minnesota (where our Vyking Ship warehouse is). However, if a merchant does have a presence here, they must charge the 7-8% sales tax (excluding clothing). If you find an item from one merchant who charges MN sales tax, it is quite easy to find at least 4 more that sell the same item and do not.

Also make sure to check around for Free Domestic shipping. Many online sellers offer free standard shipping but some do not. Make sure to factor in the cost of getting your purchase shipped to our warehouse!

Combine Shipping with your Friends and Family!

If you have friends or family (or customers) who all want to make purchases from one particular seller, place one big order instead of smaller ones. This will help you maximize the benefits of any really good coupons you have found and often times merchants have free shipping after your order has reached a certain threshold. This is a sure shot at saving money.

If you are a seller or buyer on eBay, you can easily use the benefit of eBay combine shipping to save money. Just make sure you’ve paid for items you ordered but the seller hasn’t marked them as shipped.

Shop Via Cash Back top cash back sites to save money

Cashback is a great way to save money. How? Well you signup on cashback sites and make sure they pick up your shopping link to track the sale. Once you make payment and buy the item, cashback site will verify the purchase and send you a rebate they promised.

With cashback you can save money from 1% to 30% in cash back. These sites send you the earnings via check or send in your PayPal.

Please let us know if you have any tips of your own about how to save money on clothes shopping or just save money on your online shopping and we will be happy to add them to our list!

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